Monday, October 24, 2005

Stick-Paul Helps A Fan With Problems

Good Day,

Stick-Paul's fan bag received an e-mail yesterday afternoon from a fellow, one of you, his adoring and unworthy fans, whom we will call Terri B Moore. This is what Terri wrote:

Dear Stick-Paul,

I have this problem at work. Everyone there is beautiful, cheery, and eager to work at any task that's given them. I on the other hand, am 45 years old, overweight, pessimistic, and have no desire to be within ten miles of work! Seeing all those skinny, happy people makes me sick to my stomach sometimes... I don’t want to have to deal with it.

I read your poetry today, and I got to thinking... maybe Stick-Paul will help me figure a way out of this. You obviously have some insight into the plight of the worker. Would you have any advice for me? What should I do?

Here's hoping you reply,
a big fan o' yours,

[Terri B Moore]

Stick-Paul's response was:

My friend [Terri],

Your problem is more common than you think. However, it does not really have anything to do with your fellow employees. You, sir, need to either learn to deal with your inadequacies within the work place, recover a joy in the accomplishment of your work, and/or, get out of your current job and look for one that suits your preferences.

The problem you have is not the “plight of the worker”, but the plight of the automaton. Others are thriving in your situation, but you have stagnated. Something needs to change for you. I would hope that you would begin with yourself, and then, if you are still not enjoying your work, change that.

Here’s hoping you heed my advice,


I’m afraid that I don’t have the faith in Terri that Stick-Paul does. Personally Terri, I think what you need is to spend a year in a job that requires the most manual labour possible in a 1st world country. Discipline and hard work is what you need.

Stick-Paul’s manager.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I see what Stick-Paul is saying, but I think that his manager is out of place. I know that I get frustrated and angry sometimes when people around me are all cheery for no reason.

Don't listen to the manager Terri. He doesn't know what he's talking about. I understand what you're going through.
