Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Poetry Installment #4

Good Day,

Here are another pair of poems for you, Stick-Paul's adoring and unworthy fans. Enjoy.


time may change
and heart
and mind
the body age
decay and slow
but soul
it stays
and it is yours
yours to have
yours to hold

tongue may turn
joy to pain
warmth to cold
the thought away
from home
but still
my soul is yours
yours to have
yours to hold

guided footsteps
led astray
fled away
stumble past
Will steadfast
and yet
my soul is yours
yours to have
yours to hold


silent in the night alone
ne'er a minute-mind giv'n
all to gift
bounty, leaven
no right bestowed
every grace endowed
single, separate
faith that binds


Stick-Paul is now in Bethlehem. He siad that he'd read all your e-mails as soon as he gets back. I'm hoping that he meant after he tells me all about his trip and the conference. He received some thoughtful e-mails on his last post and even packed one in his suitcase to take with him. He said it was material for reflection, so keep them coming. I must admit, I didn't think that you, his adoring and unworthy fans, had it in you to effect that kind of response from him. Keep sending those e-mails. He enjoys reading them quite a bit.

Stick-Paul's manager.


Jeanne said...

I really like that first one. I'll have to reflect on why, when I have more time.

Anonymous said...

Why is Stick-Paul in Bethlehem?

Shelly Morris

Jeanne said...

It must be the ageless quality of the poem. Though all things pass or change, this one thing will not...

Stick-Paul, you definitely have a way with words, is that a two-dimensional thing, or are you considered a poet as well in your own dimension?

Anonymous said...

I LOVE you, Stick Paul. Marry me?