Friday, November 18, 2005

On the Omniverse, Time, and Relativity.

Good Day,

For those of you, Stick-Paul's adoring and unworthy fans, who have expressed interest in Stick-Paul's work on the dimensional problem and travel between universes, I have gathered a little info in the nature of the omniverse (sum of all universes). I will try to make it as simple as possible so that the slow among you can at least imagine that you understand some of it.

In the previous post on the subject - "The Dimensional Problem and Travel Between Universes" - it was explained that dimensions vary from universe to universe. Time was a constant throughout all of the known universes. Time is a practical construct that allows us to understand the interaction between universes as if it were linear. However, it is merely a measure of matter, which does not exist in the barrier between universes (note: the barrier is infinitely small and contains neither energy nor matter; it belongs to the difference in dimension and cannot be explained here in full, due to the sensitivity of Stick-Paul's research and the potential ramifications of its release). A barrier can most easily be understood as a void - timeless, mass-less, and without spatial reference.

The barriers are found between each universe and its neighbours. The universes are spherical and limitless. To illustrate this point we will take the example, used by many cosmologists and theorists to explain the shape of the universe, of the two-dimensional bug on a sphere. The only rule for this bug is that it can't pass into or off of the sphere. Stick-Paul is the rebel bug that broke that rule.

The numbers of universes is in theory infinite; and so the omniverse is also infinite, layered like an onion with no center and no exterior. Space and time wind together according to the laws of each distinct universe, separated only by barriers of dimensional continuance.

This is as much information as Stick-Paul has given me permission to divulge on this matter. Hopefully this satiates your curiosity for the time being as I am tired of explaining things to his unworthy fans which they have no hope of fully understanding to begin with.


Stick-Paul's Manager

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